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In Their Shoes: What Election Issue is Most Important to You?

The Howard community weighs in on the election issue they’re most passionate about.

by Autumn Coleman (BA ’24)
In their shoes

Nadia Miyhan, junior, health management major, Chicago 

“Affirmative action is a very important thing to me. I want to see people who look like me in places where we aren’t really represented and other minorities. It’s important for minorities to get higher education and do everything they can to advance themselves in a world that was not built for them.” 

Juan Benn, senior, journalism major, Knoxville, Tennessee  

“In a country, and in an era where truth is being twisted with falsehoods and all those kinds of bad stuff, I think it’s incredibly important for people to use their vote and to vote.” 

Nyani Scott, junior, public relations major, Dover, Delaware 

“A lot of the issues that we have moved past have been reverting to ‘olden times,’ where they are trying to stop us getting an education and learning about our history and women’s rights in general. The autonomy that women have over their bodies they are trying to take it away.” 

Chris Blount, junior, architecture major, Suffolk, Virginia 

“I know sometimes they say votes don’t matter but every vote matters, especially in 2024. Just a couple of days ago, I saw how despite everything people have been doing for the past couple of years to combat voter suppression, it’s still going to impact this election.” 

Jaylen Cameron, sophomore, English major, New York City 

“I’m very concerned about the issues between Palestine and [Israel], and I would urge our future president to call for a ceasefire.” 

Mya Trujillo, senior, journalism major, Suncook, New Hampshire 

“I’m most passionate about immigration. My parents are both immigrants and basically my entire family that lives in the U.S. are immigrants. There’s always that stigma around them coming here and that they are ‘harming the country,’ and there are a lot of stereotypes that for a lot of people aren’t true. I think just more support for them, programs that help immigrants get housing, etc.” 

This story appears in the Spring/ Summer 2024 issue.
Article ID: 2016

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